
Mission: Mccall's mission is to enable individuals with developmental disabilities to be productive members of society; to be good neighbors in the community; to make independent, responsible choices; and to live dignified, happy, and self-determined lives. Programs: All of mccall's programs are designed to develop independent living skills for our service users. Our professional, interdisciplinary care team continually assesses the personal situation of each individual; works closely with the individual to develop ongoing improvement plans and attainable goals; monitors progress against these goals and oversees any necessary remedial action; and mutually establishes new goals to maintain progress towards independent living. It is our belief that the most satisfying life is one determined by self-actualization, personal choice, and acquisition of those skills necessary for living in a self-sufficient manner. We teach life, social, and vocational skills to foster independent living for our individuals. Life skills include: personal hygiene; toileting; ability to self-medicate; meal preparation; clothes washing; and maintenance of a safe environment. Social skills include: understanding and conforming to social rules and norms; successful interpersonal relationships; assumption of personal responsibility; development of self-esteem; obeying laws; and the avoidance of victimization. Vocational skills include: occupational task ability; ability to follow instructions; job inverview technique; and entrepreneurial competence.

Mission: Provide a 14 unit residential apartment complex for low income persons with disabilities. Programs: Provide a 14 unit residential apartment complex for persons with disabilities. The project is operated under section 811 of the national affordable housing act. The project is regulated by hud.

Mission: eliminate poverty housing

Mission: Provide emergency shelter, crisis intervention, and youth counseling. Programs: Provide emergency shelter, crisis intervention and youth counseling.

Homeless & Housing, Homeowners & Tenants Associations

Mission: Elderly and handicapped housing Programs: Kenwood properties, inc. Provides elderly and handicapped persons with housing facilities specially designed to meet their needs.

Mission: Provide services for the prevention of homelessness through counseling, transitional housing and education. Programs: Family life support center - provides counseling services for households for the homeless and those at risk. Louison house - emergency and transitional housing provided for families and individuals.

Mission: We meet those who are neglected, hurting, or afflicted where they are in order to provide support, comfort, & resources aimed at promoting life changes. Results: What started as a city wide outreach has now gone around the world touching hundreds of thousands of lives with a special focus on children and veterans Target demographics: Children, Veterans & Homeless Direct beneficiaries per year: 8000 children, 4000 families , 1200 veterans , 42 agencies, 9 missions over seas Geographic areas served: Tennessee Programs: Basic items to live a functional life and survive traumatic situations

Homeless & Housing, Housing & Shelter

Mission: Provide support for irc sec 501c3 organizations involved in education, medical research, cancer research, womens health issues, or raising awareness of the epidemic problem of violence against women. Programs: The mary kay foundation provided grants in the amount of $4,770,484 to support irc sec 501c3 organizations involved in education, medical research, cancer research, womens health issues, or raising awareness of the epidemic problem of violence against women.