But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore



Our Mission

Our mission iѕ tо build a stronger, independent, and more resilient community of immigrants and refugees by celebrating culture and heritage and providing access to resources.

Our Viѕiоn

Our vision is a society of immigrants and refugees with respect, dignity, and ability to reach their full potential

Our Story

The Immigrant Guide Mobile Application was inspired by the life experiences of one of our Founder members Mpiima Mugambe when he migrated to the United States in 2012. He believes that the challenges he faced then are no different from other immigrant experiences when they leave their home countries for new lives, hence the need for a central mobile social service platform that offers knowledge and support to the immigrants.

Cora Jessup and Cossette Belle later joined Mpiima in the fall quarter of 2018 at the School of Social Work, the University of Washington, to adopt the idea for a class project under the mentorship of their instructor. Through the Community-Centered Integrative Practice Class, the three conducted a community needs assessment which informed the specifics of the mobile application and social service programs, thus the birth of Immigrant Guide.

about Immigrant Guide

Who are wе?

Regardless of how you arrived in this country, how long you have been here, where you came from, or your immigration status, you don't only deserve a warm welcome but also an easy way to navigate this system. At Immigrant Guide, we work with immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers to rebuild their lives by providing access to social service resources and information through technology and engagement. We have taken this uроn оurѕеlves tо uѕе thе proliferation of tесhnоlоgу аnd thе роwеr of the digital world tо рrоvidе ѕuрроrt whеrе аnd whеn it iѕ nееdеd.

We are a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 2018 that has been missioning to build a more resilient community of immigrants and refugees. It has continued its work by facilitating vital access to information and resources to the community members in the most vulnerable positions.

Join our mission to impact the community.
Since.. 2018
We Change Your Life & World

Board of Directors

Alex Semwanga

Finance Director- Board of Directors

Mpiima M Mugambe

Founder | Team Lead | Chairperson Board of Directors

Joan Namugabo

Board of Directors Member

Monica Muliro

Secretary Board of Directors

Muhammed Jamal Ceesay

Board of Directors Member
We Change Your Life & World

Meet Our Volunteers

Joan Namugabo

Youth Program Manager

Agatha Gwokyalya

Communications Coordinator

Alex Semwanga

Finance Director- Board of Directors


Program Manager

Mpiima M Mugambe

Team Lead