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How does Immigration Affect Academic Performance of International Students?

How does Immigration Affect Academic Performance of International Students?

Some of the best ranking schools and universities in the world are located in the United States of America. The education system is revered by the rest of the world and obtaining an academic degree in the US can open up a world of opportunities. For many immigrants, this comes with a lot of struggle.
Many international students migrate on student visas to study on scholarships or from paying their own tuition. On the other hand, there is also a population of international students who are immigrants or the children of immigrants in the US. These students also have academic ambitions but they also faced with many struggles. So how does immigration affect the life and academic performance of international students?

Poverty is a major factor amongst immigrants. School age children from low income immigrant homes often struggle with academics. This may mean not being able to afford academic resources, tuition, transport or even food. These factors influence the performance of students in addition to the pressures of being undocumented or having undocumented parents. Low income families cannot afford college. Therefore, many students often have to work and save up in order to afford tuition. Students who have to work and go to school may struggle to keep up with studies.

Immigration comes with a lot of stereotypes, stigma and discrimination. Schools are no exception for such things to occur. Immigrant students do experience racism and hostile treatment in schools even at tertiary level. Teachers and students alike have presupposed opinions about immigrant students and do not believe that they can be successful. Unwelcoming environments negatively impact their academic performance. Students who are encouraged and supported by teachers on average achieve better grades.

Language barriers
Immigrant children tend to start school later than nonimmigrants. In many immigrant homes, another language is spoken in the household. Not having a full grasp of English means that learning in a school environment that is predominantly English speaking is hard to keep up with. In addition to learning the various syllabi, immigrant children also have to learn the language they are taught in. Many children are also not enrolled into preschool depending on the legal status of the family. This creates a setback as preschool is a fundamental part of the education system in America.

International Students with Study Permits
International students who migrate on study permits and visas also face obstacles. These students have a high standard to maintain to ensure their enrollment continues. Some issues that they face include:Funding
Students on scholarships have to maintain high GPAs in order to move forward with studies every semester. If their performance falters they may face disqualification from funding. Other students who have to pay their tuition out of pocket are faced with financial pressures especially if the exchange rate for their home currency is low. Tuition fees for international are exorbitant compared to domestic student fees. These pressures can negatively impact studies.

Students can be affected by adjusting to the culture of the US. They may also face the same discrimination that immigrant students face with regard to racism and stereotypes. Immigrant students have more time to adjust and become part of the school system at a younger age. International students who migrate specifically for tertiary education experience a culture shock. Trying to adapt to the new environment may have some impact on student performance especially if they come from cultural backgrounds that are vastly different to the US. Students may have very little social interactions and can become depressed which in turn affects performance.

Language barriers
Most schools ask for a certain level of English proficiency as part of the international enrollment process. However, it doesn’t mean that students are fluent. They may struggle with fully understanding lectures, keeping up with the pace of speech, and expressing themselves. Luckily, they have the option of seeking counsel from student support bodies designed to help international students adjust.

Despite the struggles that all international students face, many often come out on top and achieve great success academically. Their success reflects positively on the US social and economic environments and students are presented with opportunities for work after completing studies.
