But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Support Services

Support Services

Social Services

This is a drop-in service aimed at providing individuals seeking asylum and refugees with access to the information and support they need. Whether accessed through phone or email, the team dedicates time to assist individuals with their inquiries directly or connect them with the appropriate support services. People seeking asylum may require information or assistance related to food, emergency relief, financial aid, housing, safety concerns, family violence, documentation, and other essential needs. Depending on their specific circumstances, the team may link individuals with internal services or refer them to external organizations that can offer additional support. The team ensures that every inquiry is addressed, with a focus on prioritizing those with the most urgent needs.

Support Services

Homelessness Support

Homelessness and housing insecurity are significant challenges for immigrant communities, particularly for individuals without formal documentation. For asylum seekers, housing insecurity can be a chronic issue. Social housing options are generally not available for individuals lacking social security numbers or immigration status, and landlords or agents often refuse to consider asylum seekers for rental opportunities, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation in the housing market. Our team works closely with individuals to secure housing and can offer short-term support for those at imminent risk of homelessness. We also facilitate referrals for crisis accommodation for people experiencing homelessness. This service further connects clients to relevant support services to help them live independently and sustainably while navigating the refugee determination process.

Support Services

Emergency Relief

Immigrant Guide responds to community emergencies depending on the availability of funds. During the COVID-19 lockdown, we supported 100 families by assisting with utility bills, rent payments, and food supplies. Additionally, we provided reading books to immigrant families with children aged between 4 and 7 years. Our clients may find themselves in emergency situations where immediate relief is crucial to prevent destitution. This service offers direct financial support during emergencies (such as when there are safety risks or when individuals are fleeing family violence) and assists with essential expenses like childcare, school-related costs, utilities, public transport, and phone credits.