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Family Support and Peace Building (FSPB)

Family Support and Peace Building (FSPB)

Immigrant Guide provides comprehensive family support and peace-building interventions specifically designed for immigrant families in Washington State. These interventions include initiatives such as family violence prevention programs, conflict resolution training, and referrals for family violence-related visas

Family Support and Peace Building (FSPB)

Parenting Law

Immigrant Guide offers specialized parenting training to help immigrant families navigate the unique challenges of raising children in the United States. These programs cover essential topics such as adapting to new cultural expectations, understanding child development, promoting positive family dynamics, and learning about legal responsibilities within the U.S. parenting framework. By providing families with these tools, Immigrant Guide aims to support immigrant parents in fostering a nurturing and stable environment for their children while empowering them to thrive in their new communities.

Family Support and Peace Building (FSPB)

Family Violence Prevention

The primary goal of the Family Violence Prevention program is to break the cycle of family violence and strengthen family structures by equipping them with the essential tools needed for self-sufficiency. This is achieved through various interventions, including referrals for victims to emergency shelters, transitional housing assistance, education for family members, effective parenting strategies, and early intervention programs targeting adults, children, youth, and the elderly.

Family Violence Prevention

Men's Circles

Immigrant Guide recognizes the unique challenges faced by immigrant fathers, men, and husbands as they transition to a new country with unfamiliar policies and laws. The Men's Circles program seeks to engage men in culturally relevant dialogues and training sessions focused on family violence prevention and peace-building. This initiative uses peer-to-peer learning to provide a safe and supportive environment where men can openly discuss their experiences and challenges.

Family Violence Prevention

Community Dialogue

Immigrant Guide employs interactive approaches to create a space for the community to share their experiences with domestic violence and family conflicts. We use theater performances and expressive arts as tools for storytelling, allowing individuals within the community to safely share their experiences and foster meaningful conversations around these difficult topics.

Family Support and Peace Building (FSPB)

Conflict Resolution Training

In collaboration with community partners and professionals across Washington State, Immigrant Guide provides family-focused peace-building and conflict resolution training for community leaders. The aim is to empower these leaders to serve as community peacebuilders and first responders. This initiative was developed after extensive consultations with multicultural immigrant communities within the state. The training utilizes Tool-kits that have been successfully implemented and approved in other regions.

Family Support and Peace Building (FSPB)

Victim Referrals

Immigrant Guide coordinates referrals to partner organizations for legal assistance and safety-related services. Our clients are connected to local service providers, giving them access to safe housing, emergency shelter, and other critical resources.