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Dance & Movement Therapy


During the summer of 2024, Immigrant Guide offered free weekly dance and creative movement workshops for immigrant youth, including those from families with a history of asylum-seeking, human trafficking, and refugee status, in Seattle.

These workshops provide more than just an opportunity to dance; they serve as a safe haven for participants to explore self-expression, celebrate cultural heritage, and connect with a broader community. Immigrant Guide’s goal is to help these individuals achieve personal growth, broaden their sense of belonging, and heal from their past traumas.

Through movement, participants build confidence, embrace cultural pride, and develop resilience. This program addresses mental health challenges, fosters cultural integration, and strengthens communal ties.

Andrew Ssebulime, MA, PhD Candidate, UC Riverside


B.A. (Honors) in Music, Dance, and Drama. Makerere University Kampala-Uganda; M.A. in Dance Knowledge, Practice and Heritage, at the CHOREOMUNDUS consortium: UCA(France), SZEGED(Hungary), NTNU(Norway), and Roehampton University -RU (United Kingdom)

Andrew Ssebulime is a Ugandan first-year Ph.D. candidate in Critical Dance Studies at the University of California Riverside. He began active stage performance and choreography in Uganda in the early 2000s but later moved to China where he has expanded and extended his Ugandan folk dance practice since 2009.

Andrew has conducted and presented numerous dance conferences, workshops and masterclasses on Ugandan folk dances and trainings in various countries and cities around the world. Always inspired by the notions of identity, de-coloniality, change and continuity in dance, Andrew’s academic and research interests are more focused on dance and diaspora/migrant discourses.