But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Community Advocacy and Leadership Academy (CALA)

Community Advocacy and Leadership Academy (CALA)

The Community Advocacy and Leadership Academy (CALA) is a 12-week intensive training program designed to equip immigrants in Snohomish County, Washington State with the leadership skills necessary to become advocates and leaders in various settings, such as school boards, city councils, commissions, and at the county and state levels. Immigrant Guide collaborates with community partners to train emerging leaders in areas such as:

  • Community Advocacy, Campaigning, and Mobilization
  • Environmental Justice
  • Equity and Social Justice
  • Community Leadership Skills
  • The Power of Storytelling

Upon completion of this intensive program, participants are supported in participating in public talks, media activities, and advocacy events, providing them with opportunities to apply their newly acquired skills in real-world contexts. Additionally, participants are given resources to train others within their communities. Upon graduation, they are connected to relevant networks for further training and engagement. The program aims to amplify the voices of individuals with lived experiences, empowering participants to build the confidence and skills needed to influence the narrative around refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers effectively within their communities.

The Community Advocacy and Leadership Academy 2024 (CALA2024) Cohort application window has already closed. Please check back soon for more information on when the next cohort applications will open.