But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Brave Spaces Youth Fellowship

Brave Spaces Youth Fellowship

our goal $10,000.00
Raised $0.00
to go $10,000.00

The Brave Spaces Youth Fellowship is an opportunity for youth to lend their voice to intergroup dialogues with their peers. The Summer Fellowship is a 2-month program (June 2025 – August 2025) for immigrant youths of African descent living in King, Snohomish, and Pierce Counties. The program will provide leadership opportunities for participants, including a series of deep conversations on youth issues on race, mental health, Leadership among others. The program will also engage youths in recreational activities like art and craft, sports in the park, hiking etc.


The activities will take place in different locations and venues like

  • Parks in King, Pierce, and Snohomish County
  • Deception Pass
  • Meydenbauer Park
  • Great Wolf Lounge
  • Chambers Bay
  • Worldwide wave
  • Dave and Busters
  • Space needle


Applicant Eligibility:

  1. Identify as an immigrant of African descent 
  2.  Interested in Social Change, equity, group activities, sharing ideas, and learning new skills
  3.  Required attendance to qualify for a stipend
  4.  Complete the fellowship application by the deadline
  5. Be 13 to 21 years of age by June 2025.
  6. Be a resident of Snohomish, Pierce, and King County
Your Donation